مقررات دراسية

#مقرر مادة علم العقاقير

#للدكتورة وداد منصور

يحوي هذا الكتاب شرح العديد من المواضيع الدراسية والتي تتضمن:

1- General Introduction.

2- Importance and Function of Pharmacognocy.

3- Nomenclature of Drugs.

4- Classification of Drugs.

5- Cultivation of Medicinal Plants.

6- Collection of Medicinal Plants.

7- History of Pharmacognosy.

8- Drugs Containing Carbohydrates and Products.

9- Drugs Containing Alkaloids.

10- Drugs Containing Glycosides.

11- Drugs Containing Volatile Oils.

12- Drugs Containing Resins.

13- Drugs Containing Lipids.

14- Drugs Containing Tannins.

15- Enzymes and Protein Drugs.

16- Natural Medications.

17- OTC Herbal Medicine.

18- Allergies:

– Allergic Rhinitis including Hey Fever

– Hey Fever

– Allergic Rhinitis with Congestion

– Eczema

– Mild Asthma, Wheezing and Shortness of Breath

19- Circulatory Problems:

– Anemia

– Cold Extremities and Childblains

– Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids

20- Skin:

– Minor Bites, Stings and Swellings

– Skin Rashes, Minor Burns and Sunburn

– Minor Wounds and Bruises

– Acne and Boils

21- Digestive Disorders:

– Stomach Spasm

– Nausea and Motion Sickness

22- Nerve and Stress Related Problems:

– Anxiety, Depression and Tension

– Migraine Prevention

23- Treatment of Arthritis.

عدد صفحات المقرر / 77 صفحة

حجم الملف / 1.5 ميجابايت

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